Case Study

B2B SEO Case Study Fidico Speed

Fidico's Comment on B2B SEO case study

Fidicospeed is an electric scooter wholesale company. Miss Quinee, the Marketing
Manager, hired me as an SEO freelancer in April 2022 for their newly launched website.
My job is to increase their website traffic and rank for some specific B2B keywords

The goal?

To rank for specific B2B keywords without breaking the bank.


It all started when Miss Quinee, the Marketing Manager at FidicoSpeed, took a chance on me, a freelance SEO specialist. They were a budding electric scooter wholesale company based in China, ready to make their mark.

It was April 2022, and I still remember our first Skype call – Miss Quinee’s excitement was palpable as she spoke about FidicoSpeed’s potential.

Fidico Dashboard from SEMRush

Milestones Achieved:

The results? They were beyond encouraging:

  • A whopping 90% increase in organic traffic
  • Over 35,000 organic pageviews
  • An average of 60-70 organic B2B leads per month
  • More than 7,500 keywords ranked

The Challenge Faced by FidicoSpeed

FidicoSpeed was like many start-ups I’ve seen – full of passion but struggling to find their footing online. Their website was new, almost invisible on Google. 

I knew I had to build their digital presence from scratch. The B2B market is tough, more so for a company without a single blog post to their name, zero backlinks, and no domain authority. 

Imagine starting a journey without a map; that was Fidico Speed. Their digital presence was almost non-existent, making them invisible to potential B2B clients scouring search engines.

 With no established online footprint or domain authority, the task at hand was akin to finding a needle in a haystack.

Then there was the content challenge. Fidico’s potential clients weren’t looking for catchy slogans or flashy images. They needed detailed, technical information – the kind that guides informed decisions. 

But here’s the catch: Fidico’s blog was a blank slate, and their expertise hidden from the digital world. 

I needed to build their topical authority from the ground up, ensuring they meet the stringent criteria of search engines and, more importantly, the expectations of their discerning audience.

Integrating SEO with Account-Based Marketing (ABM) felt like trying to solve a puzzle with missing pieces. In the B2B sector, this integration is crucial for targeted and personalized outreach.

However, the sophistication required for effective SEO and ABM strategies was something Fidico had yet to develop, especially with limited data at our disposal.

It was like aiming in the dark, hoping to hit the bullseye.

Challenges for Me

At first, I need to overcome all the issues that my client, Fidico Speed, faced. Besides this, there are also some SEO challenges that I faced:

  • High-Value Keyword Competition
  • No E-E-A-T
  • No Topical Authority
  • No Backlinks
  • Domain Rating (DR) of 0
  • Account-Based Marketing (ABM) Alignment
  • Long Sales Cycles

My Solution for Multifaceted Problems

When I teamed up with Fidico Speed, they were facing a mountain of challenges in carving out their niche in the market. I knew I had to think outside the box, to not just address these challenges but to also set Fidico apart in a crowded space.

  • Content Creation with a Focus on E-E-A-T: The first thing I did was to dive into their industry, understanding the nitty-gritty of electric scooters. I wanted our content to not just attract clicks but also to educate and engage. So, I rolled up my sleeves and got to work.
    Within four months, I created 35 blog posts, each brimming with insights and expertise. It wasn’t easy, especially with the intense competition for high-value keywords, but I persevered.
  • Bridging the Gap in Sales Cycles: Dealing with the long sales cycles in the B2B sector required creativity and patience. I developed a series of informative emails and resources, available as downloadable PDFs, to maintain engagement with potential clients. Through retargeting campaigns, I kept Fidico Speed in the spotlight, gently reminding their potential clients of their presence and expertise.
  • Navigating Data’s Maze: I started with what felt like a puzzle of market insights, piecing together bits of data to form a clearer picture. As I delved deeper, gathering user engagement data, the image started to become more focused. This wasn’t just about crunching numbers; it was about understanding the stories behind these figures. I crafted our content to resonate with the specific needs and concerns of our target audience, bridging the gap between Fidico Speed and their potential clients. Integrating Account-Based Marketing (ABM) with our SEO efforts was like fine-tuning an instrument, ensuring every note struck the right chord.
  • A Cycle of Growth and Learning: The world of digital marketing is ever-evolving, and so were our strategies. I kept a vigilant eye on website traffic, keyword rankings, and various engagement metrics. This wasn’t just about numbers; it was about understanding the impact of our efforts. Regular catch-ups with Miss Quinee and her sales team were invaluable. These weren’t just meetings; they were collaborative sessions where we shared insights, listened to feedback, and adapted our strategies.

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